April 22, 2005

Contact Information

My email for this blog is lindasbook@usa.com

To read another chapter, just click the title on the left side of this page and it will bring up that chapter.

You can click lindasbook@usa.com to send me an email, or at the end of each chapter there's a small comment area. Click the envelope and follow directions to send me an email. I check for email most every day.

Take Care on Your Journey!


1 comment:

  1. I'm in a hurry today but I thought I'd say a quick thanks for your comment on my blog. I'd also like to share something I recently learned about email addresses on blogs. It's best to use [AT] and [DOT] in your link:
    Put a comment in underneath reminding people to change them. This will stop automated spam robots from collecting your email address and bombarding you with unwanted spam emails.
    Best Wishes


I enjoy all comments. You can write and sign as anonymous if it's easier. I get a copy of all comments in my email at bestnurse@usa.com, so I can reply anytime. Take Care on the Journey. YOU ARE SPECIAL! ~Linda