Thanks for taking a moment to visit my blogsite. It's the day before Christmas and all is quiet in our part of the planet. Billy and Katy will spend some quiet time at home in Portland while Philip and Shelley have gone to California to enjoy the company of relatives there!
The news is alive with reports of holiday travelors busy crossing the county to get home in time for Christmas where if one doesn't want to watch football or have money to go shopping, they may be slightly bored. I, for one, will be working at the nursing home on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so Jim will wait beside the aging Christmas tree and give Sheba and Ching-Ching a good bone to chew on as they wait for me to return from work.
The local dentist pulled a front tooth gone bad, and now I'm adjusting to a small partial in my mouth that feels ten times bigger than it should be! Funny, I look normal but wait until I open my mouth to talk. A cute little lisp - where did that come from?
I've taken a dozen digital picture of our 9-foot tree to share with you but can't get the camera to let in enough light for a good picture. The small picture at the top of this note is what I hope will be the front cover of my book, "Dusty Angels and Old Diaries".
Hey guys, you can write me anytime! It's lindasbook@usa.com
Take Care on the Journey,
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