November 15, 2006

A Little Something For You

I've been busy working those 12-hour shifts again but have a few days off now to do little things that make me happy. Today we have another photo shot - this time a young man who is a HS senior.

Yesterday I got a call from an older sounding women who thought my ad for "Senior Pictures" was for 'Seniors' as in older people...Bless her heart, I didn't have the heart to set her straight and told her to come on in for her free 8x10...

Here are a few pictures I downloaded from a free site. (Sorry, you can't enlarge them.)

The tiger urges us to, "TAKE ON THE DAY!"

The kitten is for Sandy, of course.

The sweeping sky is for Katy.

The mountains for Billy.

All of you are faithful followers of this website...and very special in my heart. I love you always!

Take Care on the Journey,


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I enjoy all comments. You can write and sign as anonymous if it's easier. I get a copy of all comments in my email at, so I can reply anytime. Take Care on the Journey. YOU ARE SPECIAL! ~Linda