April 25, 2007

Are We Having Fun Yet?

(I give up trying to line up the pictures with the words.)
It's a rainy day here in the Midwest - Nice for slipping back to bed! And, that's what I did for about 15 minutes. But, I have to spend the evening at work, and I have a lot I want to get done today. But, I enjoyed the open window and fresh breath of ozone for a little bit.

Samantha's flowers are in full bloom now and one can see the tulips dancing softly around the large stones that cover her little gravesite from all the way across the pond. And that is next to the mailboxes, so we keep a close eye on her.

Sitting at my desk with the curtains open, I can enjoy the view from the second story window. There's a pine tree next to the neighbor's building that is in full view of my window. I wonder why I didn't think of planting more tulips under THAT tree instead of the one next to my window that I can't see? Next fall I'm planting a hundred tulips around the other tree! Just now a dove flew to the ledge of my window checking out the light and pondering if she could get in here to make her nest. Too bad. Window in the way... Don't bump your head mama bird!

This is the time of year to wonder what that awful odor is outside near the front door. At the post office. Around all the bushes and flower gardens. Yep, it's that really strong fertilizer odor and it is not my favorite brand of perfume. I wonder if my son, Billy, uses such stuff in his landscaping. Billy and Katy have planted many flower gardens in Portland as part of their landscaping business. Now they have full-time "inside" jobs, but I know they love getting back out in nature when they can.

Have you been to Sandy's website to see her flower pictures and those of little Star? (See the left-hand side of this website to go there. Also, I've added the link for my friend Olive and her PEACEFUL website.)

Star is the most well-dressed doggie in the neighborhood.

I finally figured out where all the socks go? Not the washer! Not eaten by the dryer, but under my side of the bed. I toss my socks there at bedtime and the sweeper pushes them just out of sight. I found at least 10 socks there the other day!

SOS ladies. Good news! I found a way to invite you as contributing members. I'll be sending you an invitation by email and let's see what happens. I'm not sure what that means, but I think you can add to the website. I believe Juanita would like to be invited but I have to go find her email. If anyone wants on board, please email me through your email, or if you don't mind, you can send me your email address under comments at the end of this.

Hey, have you heard of the new airline that is promoting itself by offering $10 airfare to some parts of the country? It's Skybus. Jim called me from work to alert me, and I got a round-trip ticket to the west coast to visit Billy and Katy next September (my annual birthday trip) for only $60 RT. (Couldn't get $10 coming back, but $50 isn't bad!). Taxes was only $14! I paid a little extra for early seating, but I couldn't have gotten a nicer birthday present!!!!! The $10 tickets are very limited, of course, but check it out!

After tulips in my garden, what's next? Maybe I shouldn't push it. The only flowers around the apartment complex where we live (except for one with pansies at the entrance) are those I secretly planted last fall. Got any ideas?

Jim and I have been sorting photography supplies and creating our new studio. I was surprised at how much photography equipment we had! It's fun and exciting and we hope to start taking lots of great pictures this summer! I plan to do more on-location shoots, but this is the first time in a long time that I've had access to all my supplies and equipment in one place.

Take Care on the Journey (SOS)

1 comment:

  1. Star says she is getting outfits ready for her PHOTO SHOOT in oct. she wants to play in the leaves with her cuzin'.
    I know you'll be glad to see Billy & Katy. Gtreat you got such a deal on flying.
    Love ya,
    Star & Sandy


I enjoy all comments. You can write and sign as anonymous if it's easier. I get a copy of all comments in my email at bestnurse@usa.com, so I can reply anytime. Take Care on the Journey. YOU ARE SPECIAL! ~Linda