April 21, 2007

Samantha Speaks

About six months ago we buried our 16-year old black cat, Samantha on the edge of the property where we live. Every day Jim and Sheba walk around the pond and pass the little gravesite where we planted dozens of tulips as we buried Samantha last fall. Today Jim reminded me that the flowers survived the bitter cold spell we had in April, and are in full bloom - unlike most of the other tulips in the area.

Camera in hand, I walked out and did a photo-shoot of the flowers. We got a "Samantha Surprise" when the film was developed. Notice the rainbows across the bottom of the first two pictures?
Click pictures for close-up view.

"You Go! Samantha!"

The tulips are straight north of the resting ducks. Our apt. building is way off to the right of the picture. There's a small pond on the right and a little creek on the left of this spot.
When I finished my photo shoot, I stood up and said, "Thank-you, Samantha". I looked around and I looked up for some little sign even though I felt a little foolish. When I got home, Jim asked if I had counted the flowers. Yesterday (before somebody picked a few), there were 16 tulips. Samantha was 16 years old when she died.

Samantha is buried straight across the pond in front of the center tree. If the picture was clear, you could see the tulips almost in the center across the pond. The creek is just beyond the big center tree.

Hope you enjoyed our little walk today.
Many rainbows to you and yours...
Take Care on the Journey,

1 comment:

  1. I took photos of my flowers in my backyard this week end too. I guess Samantha was smiling and saying hi to Ringo and the rest of us in Florida. Her tulips are beautiful, they have always been one of my favorite flowers.
    with love,


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