July 27, 2007

The Gold-In Life

Sometimes I think, (as many bloggers do), that no one reads my postings. It’s just my mind rambling here in cyberspace to be redeemed by a passing voyager in yonder year – or maybe lost forever in time and space!

So I’ll ramble with my thoughts on this rainy Friday night the 27th day of July.

It was about 20 years ago that my editor at the newspaper office commented to no one in particular, this statement that has rekindled in my mind often throughout the years…

“Everything Linda touches turns to gold.”

I don’t know why that has resurfaced several times in the last few weeks. Maybe it was my mom's visit that sent me into a reminiscent mode. And, the fact that we didn't discuss the life paths either of us took - and now perhaps we never will. Or just maybe I’m getting to a time in my life when I'm reflecting back (more often than I used to!), and I'm thinking that that nothing I’ve touched has turned to gold.

There’s a joy-feeling I get thinking about some things I’ve accomplished and friendships made, but not that perfect ending that has brought spiritual fulfillment and/or financial freedom we humans seem to constantly seek. If anyone tries to make me believe they are spiritually free, I would ask them why are they still searching and what are they searching for? If I ever find someone who says they are financially comfortable, I'd ask why they aren't offering some of that extra money to me!

Throughout our life we often forecast a better future with words like...

When the car is paid off...
If the car didn't keep breaking down...
If we didn't have credit card bills...
If we didn't have to use credit cards...
If the house was paid for…
When the kids finish school…
When I finish school…
If we had $100,000 in savings…
If I didn’t have to work…
When we win the lottery…
If someone would leave us a lot of money…
When I retire...
When the Lord comes to take us home...

Does this sound familiar? Does any of this turn our life into gold?

I wrote a letter today for a friend who needed a recommendation for something, and to make an impression I signed my name with the additional titles. Licensed Practical Nurse, Published Author, Former Clerk of Oronoko Township, Berrien Springs, Michigan. (I forgot to add Professional Photographer!)

As I signed the letter, I chuckled to myself and said, “So what?”

* I never did get the fantastically beautiful photography studio with the flowering gardens and sparkling waterfalls, and all the whistles and bells a photographer loves to play with. But, I still love photography and photographing people!

* Politics wasn’t what it’s cut out to be although winning two elections was worth more than words can describe. Those eight years as the township clerk was beset with political head-ons because the township was run (and still is) by stubborn old men who think a woman belongs in the kitchen! The experience was more than most people get in a lifetime, though.

* My book looks like it is not going to make a best seller although that was not my purpose anyway. (Or I wouldn’t have given away 100 books!) But, writing my memoir was a dream come true. It's a step into the future for more to come!

* Sometimes I regret that I will never sign, RN after my name although it was very close at times. The incomplete education to become a Registered Nurse extended over at least 30 years, but I couldn't get past that darn algebra (and always having to work for a living!)

* I was a good newspaper correspondent - but not a great one. ( I guess that depends on who you ask.) But, it was a bright moment in time that I look back on with a smile, knowing it taught me more about people and life then I couldn't have learned any other way!

* My fingers will never flow across a keyboard to play the golden melody that I hear in my head, but pouring my spirit into the keys brings me quietness and relaxation. Today the keyboard is my "quiet companion' as I usually play it when I'm home alone.

* I’m not a department head or a leader of anything professionally, although I have done that and found that I was very good at leadership and organization. I worry that I should be doing something greater than what I am, but it has been my choice to step away from that path.

Sometimes I fret because I can’t cook very well (but I can follow a recipe). I don’t sew beautiful clothes anymore (but I still have a sewing machine). I have diaries that no one will ever read (and I’m still writing more). There are boxes of personal items that no one will ever open. Clothes in my closet that I’ll never wear again, and books on the bookshelf that I’ll never read.

Having said all that, I am very sure that the GOLD in my life is what I’ve left behind in footprints. In the simple acts of kindness, the fulfillment of some dreams, a few true friendships, some trusting family ties, and loving companionships I have enjoyed along the way. Most of all, I believe in the spirituality of nature and how it ties us all together.

I’ve learned that not all friendships are true. Not every family member will love in return. The past is always very present. The dog always barks at something. If it says it's FREE, there's a catch. The rainbow doesn't always show all it's colors. And I believe that deep down, everybody feels the heartbeat of God.

No, everything I’ve touched has not turned to gold. But they are golden moments if one looks at them that way. Maybe I’ll leave some golden footprints that someone else will follow because I was there. Hopefully the footprints will lead the way to a secret path through their mountain. A smooth trail beside a stormy lake. A rainbow with a thousand colors at the end of every day and sweet dreams at night.

Read about rainbows HERE

Listen to a beautiful song and view the words to "Footprints in the Sand" HERE

I always come back to the motto hanging by my bathroom door...

"If I can't do great things, I'll do small things in a great way.

That is my GOLD. What's yours?

Take Care on the Journey,

July 26, 2007

"Norton Security Is A Very Bad Choice"

...At least that is what the tech guy at Best Buy told me when I asked him the difference between Norton 360 and the 'plain box Norton'.

Adding another bit of unsolicited advice, he suggested we look into TREND Micro - although at that particular store, TREND Micro was out of stock.

Our Norton expires in three days. And strikingly, our computer was sitting at home 'crashed' and useless for the third time this year! If hubby didn't have special tools and magic disks, we would looking for a new computer instead of updating our security system.

I immediately used the advantage instant cell phone technology to confer with my techno-savvy hubby who told me to hold off on the purchase until he could research this product.

TREND Micro PC-cillin. (Hey, Penicillin - right?) I was interested due to the fact that Norton appears to have 'left the door open" on us several times.

During the afternoon, hubby did some internet researching and was surprised to find favorable reviews at his trusted 'review' sites. So we went to another Best Buy last night and made the switch (for $20 LESS than Norton). All programs have been re-installed and we're up and running again. Time will tell if this is better, but somehow I feel like this program is more smooth and reliable. It seems more professional to me.

In other matters, plans are for me to help with driving youngest son and his wife to Columbia, South Carolina next Tuesday - Thursday. July 31 - August 1. (For family members reading this - remember that August 1 is their wedding anniversary). I'll fly back from Charlotte, NC on Thursday, August 2.

In the meantime, I'm doing a 50th anniversary photo shoot near Springfield on Saturday and working private duty nursing 12 hours on Sunday and going to the Columbus Zoo with a group of Special Needs kids on Monday! (Hello Jack Hanna)

I'm working on thoughts for another little posting titled "Golden Opportunities - Do They Always Make You Rich?" Maybe I can post it before I leave town.

Take Care on the Journey,

July 25, 2007

News of Note

I hope this finds everyone in cyberspace looking forward and upward. (I had typed "upward and forward" but don't want you to stumble and fall down.) We're going through the computer crash again (some parts of our computer are too old) so I'm at the library typing. That means a loss of all my "FAVORITES", although I don't think I lost much in documents this time.

My mom had a pleasant visit as you can tell from the pictures. She said it was nice to get away for a few days and relax with us. She even made it up and down the steps more times than we had expected!

Youngest son and wife are making some "big steps" in that he has accepted a fine new teaching job about 1,000 miles from where they presently reside, so many little steps to make this move happen are taking place yesterday and today! We're proud of this new development for them! I've been extra busy gleaning information of apartment living and adding my 2-cents worth whenever I can!
My hour is almost up. I just got a 10-minute notice. Funny how time flies when you're having fun!
SARA (or is it SARAH) from the 'school', if you read this, click on comments at the end and leave me a message, or go to your email and write me at lindasbook (at) usa.com (Add the @-sign).
Take Care on the Journey,

July 21, 2007

Innis Gardens with Linda and Mom

Mom and I went to visit the Innis Gardens in Westerville, Ohio.
We'll have these pictures to enjoy the memories for a long time...

My favorite picture!

Click HERE for the website of Innis Gardens

Take Care on the Journey


July 20, 2007

Mom's Visit Pictures

Mom loves the white fences all over town. A trademark of New Albany.
I can't believe it's Friday! Mom's been here a week and we've had a nice, quiet, relaxing time.

I'll post more later. Notice it's almost 2 a.m.

Take Care on the Journey,


July 13, 2007

Simon says I will never be rich if...

"Have You Seen My Mother?"
My how time flies! I seem to be busy from 'time up' until 'time down', and still don’t get everything done! People are so right when they say, “A woman’s work is never done”. I wish I had a week for photography! A week to write my book! A week to clean and do laundry and fun stuff. A week to follow up on mail and bills. And, time for friends and family. And, of course, WORK. But, I’m busy “keeping up”, just like everyone else I know.

My mother is coming to visit for a week starting Sunday. (July 15-22) I’m trying to remember the last time I saw her – and why it’s been so long. Anyway, this is a little strange – if you’ve read my book, “Dusty Angels and Old Diaries” you’ll understand why and if you haven’t, there’s not enough space on this Internet to explain.

She said she uses a cane and needs a wheelchair at the airport. I asked if she was sure she could climb the steps to our place and she says yes. “Once up and once down during the week”. So, perhaps not only will this be the second time (maybe the third) in my life she has come to visit, but we are going to be sitting across the table eye to eye for seven days. Does she like to play table games? (She plays Bingo a lot.) Can I play table games for a week? (My children would shout a resounding “no”.) Will I refrain from asking certain questions that have been burning in my mind for 50+ years? Will we amuse ourselves with wit and sagacity?

The first time she visited me was way back after our first family reunion in 1991. I was in a different environment with a different husband; and the kids were home. She went shopping while I worked and she cooked meals for the family in the evenings. Now, it’s just the two of us during the day for a week while Jim is at work. We can’t get out and about to entertain and regale ourselves.

Personally, personally I’m okay with her being here. But, not sure I can explain why. My ‘personal counselor’ and nail technician, Simon, had some choice words while repairing my torn off nails and buffing the new tips, but most importantly, he commented in regards to the visit, “If you are a yes person (and can forgive anything and everything and everyone), you will never be rich.”

So, I’ll never be rich but my mom is coming to visit. Burn candles for me to have clear thinking and discretion. Send vibes to the universe for keenness and ingenuity and resourcefulness. Pray for me to keep my wits and have maturity and use common sense (if one should ask for specifics in prayer).

Ironically in September, I’ll be the, ‘mother coming to visit”. I’m going to visit my oldest son and his wife for two days. We have a history. We have good memories, and we share many of the same ideals. There’s an intimacy that was developed through a lifetime of experiences shared and things learned about each other. There’s a difference, and now I can appreciate it even more!

Who is the one to say I will never be rich?

Who is the one to say, “Welcome home, Mom?”

Take Care on the Journey,

July 10, 2007

Dead or Alive?

Say I've gone mad. Say I've been conned by a con man! Say Kevin Trudeau is a felon and a snake oil salesman, but he says what I've been thinking all my life!

Drugs are bad for you with terrible side-effects!

Your body needs to good cleaning out once in a while!

Many natural 'cures' are all around us, but we've been led to believe they are worthless.

Yep, I'm a nurse and I 've given millions of pills to my patients over the years, but always with a slight question in my mind because every nurse in America will agree with me that for every medication we learned about in school, we memorized those bad "side-effects".

Blame part of it on the old SDA religion. Point some fingers to our grandma's old-fashion, all natural health remedies, or give me credit for putting 2 and 2 together!

I believe most food and drugs are toxic to our bodies. Personal products are filled with poisons. The air is filled with chemicals. But what is one to do?

I'm reading the books and thinking about the problem. I'm the first to say that I'm the last person to promote healthful diet these days. But I'm working on it.... Diet Dr. Pepper is the first to go. Oh boy! This is hard. I'm going to try at least some of the natural products for my health problems. Natural Vitamins too. We're going to get some organic foods and try to obtain less polluted cleaning and personal item products.

WOW! These very controversial books say a lot! I'm reading between the lines and not going to go crazy here, but there a lot of information that more of us NEED to know about.

To top it off, here's a true story that happened today...

I've put some bird feeders out on our second-story patio and the sparrows come in droves to feed! Today I got the idea to apply the mirror-type privacy film to the window so the birds couldn't see us watching them. I went to The Home Depot and got a roll of window film and a bottle of this spray the man recommended to apply it with.

Of course, I made a big mess and the film stuck to every part of my body! I kept spraying on more and more of what looked like clear water from this bottle because it said to keep both sides wet until I got it stuck to the window.

Right in the middle of my 'paper-hanging" our dog Ching-Ching comes over to where I'm working and starts gagging and throws up at my feet. I yell at the dog. I scream at the sticky film. I stomp around and try to clean up the yellow vomit with a paper towel while smoothing the film before it sticks to the window.

Then I read the instructions on the bottle of 'water" for keeping the film wet. It said to be generous with the liquid to keep the film from sticking together, but at the end it said, "Do not get on skin. Do not breathe fumes. May be harmful. If inhaled, take to the emergency room or give artificial respirations!

I think my dog was trying to tell me something!

Tomorrow we're getting our carpet cleaned because my mom is coming to visit for a week. I wonder how much poison that will spread throughout the house? (But it will clean up the doggie stain!) Maybe I'll take the dogs for a long ride in the country while it drys.

Take Care on the Journey,
