June 7, 2008

Unclaimed Funds Yield Unbelievable Results!

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I've been watching the mail for an unclaimed funds check from a Missouri bank account left behind and forgotten since 1964. According to the Missouri Unclaimed Funds Department, my sister, Sandra, and I were owned money from bank accounts at Annapolis, Missouri that grandma opened for us over 40 years ago.

The story started one day several years ago when I saw a report on CNN about people finding money owed to them in the unclaimed funds department of each state. I did several searches including the name Mascunana/Missouri and up popped the message that we were owned money - although it didn't say how much.

It has taken a couple years to complete the required paperwork, mostly because we had very little proving that we once lived there. No utility bills or phone bills (we had no phones). There was no paper trail after all these years. They finally agreed that request was slightly unreasonable! Then we had to supply paperwork showing we once used that last name. Thankfully, a copy of our marriage license satisfied that requirement. The final paperwork included notarized paperwork which in the beginning it said we didn't need; but finally last week I got a letter informing me that the check was being processed!!!

Somewhere along the way, we were informed that the initial deposits had been for $6 each. I'm sure it was money earned from an old woman (Mrs. Butler) who lived alone in the woods behind our house on the hill. She paid Sandra and me 25 cents a day to deliver her mail (on the rare days that she got mail). I remember we had to share the days but the quarters seemed like gold to us two little barefoot girls.

Today I got the check!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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From a $6 investment almost a half-century ago, I earned 8 cents a year in interest!

The check was for $9.26.

I whooped and hollered and laughed so loud at the mailbox (while Jim waited in the car for me to get the mail) that Jim jumped out of the car and came running to see if I was alright! I'm glad I was laughing. The suspense has been terrible because several people have said that if the money was put into savings, we could have quite a lot of money!

After reassuring Jim that I had not been harmed or in pain, I got on my cell phone and called my sister. Needless to say we won't be quitting our day jobs (she doesn't have one), but Sandra and I plan to make a list of all the things we can buy for less than $10.00. That will have to be for my next posting....Right now I have to go to work...

Take Care on the Journey,


Home: http://dustyangels.blogspot.com


  1. oh man, I saw your title and thought you were millionaires!


    how funny that the amount of interest earned was so low. At least you can add another interesting story to your already exciting life story. :)


  2. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Hilarious Linda! I'm about to get ready for work myself this morning- this one put a smile on my face!



I enjoy all comments. You can write and sign as anonymous if it's easier. I get a copy of all comments in my email at bestnurse@usa.com, so I can reply anytime. Take Care on the Journey. YOU ARE SPECIAL! ~Linda