July 13, 2008

Loving Those Comments!

Don't miss the comments posted at the end of each posting. Sometimes that's more exciting than what I posted! Just click on the word 'comment' to read what my friends have to say. Also, if you don't want to post a comment in the public forum (here), feel free to send me an email (from your email center) at bestnurse@usa.com. If you'd like me to post a comment for you (like Teresa did), let me know I can do that when you write to me. Every note of encouragement is like a great big HUG!

Take Care on the Journey,

Home: http://dustyangels.blogspot.com

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I enjoy all comments. You can write and sign as anonymous if it's easier. I get a copy of all comments in my email at bestnurse@usa.com, so I can reply anytime. Take Care on the Journey. YOU ARE SPECIAL! ~Linda