August 10, 2008

New Albany, Ohio. Summer Flowers

Sheba says, "Welcome. I may look pretty, but don't mess with my mamma!"

Sheba doesn't let total blindness keep her from being the Alpha dog!

I've posted photos of winter in Ohio here and on MySpace, but these are the beautiful summer flowers we enjoy around our front door. My favorites are the Morning Glories planted from seeds in planters (photo on left) so I have to haul buckets of water to them from the kitchen at least twice a day. Notice the small planters. I didn't expect them to get so big!

Here, they've climbed to the second story apartment, but the young couple who lives there didn't mind attaching a cord from their balcony so the vines could keep growing. Now they are even higher around the top railing! I'll post them here in a day or two when the blooms all come out. My favorite flower, the Honeysuckle, is pictured next to the Morning Glories. That plant was a Mother's Day gift from hubby. They've been carefully watered every day also.

Of course, the Rhododendron bush with its 55 large pink/purple blooms caused quite a stir the first time I counted them. Our magic number, of course!
Click on photos for larger picture.
Other photos show how close to nature we live although restaurants, banks and grocery stores are just through the woods. At least we have some space for the birds and small nesting animals. Rabbits, gophers, squirrels, birds, ducks, geese, the fishing birds, hawks and even a few deer down by the creek hidden behind those small trees.

Early Summer - Late Summer Same bed!

Jim says to remind him of this picture when the snow is several feet deep and the temperature is 12 degrees!

Take Care on the Journey,


  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    beautiful flowers Linda! -Buffy

  2. Your flowers are doing great!!!
    Don't over water your plants or hurt your back carrying all those pails. Be like Jim, sit and relax.
    Love Sandy

  3. Your vines are so healthy and big! Congratulations on your green thumb. :)
    My garden is overgrown and weedy since I've been preoccupied with the baby. Oh well, maybe someday I'll get organized and have a pretty garden like yours. Did you get the seeds I sent you? Hopefully those will grow next year!



I enjoy all comments. You can write and sign as anonymous if it's easier. I get a copy of all comments in my email at, so I can reply anytime. Take Care on the Journey. YOU ARE SPECIAL! ~Linda