November 5, 2008

Ching-Ching Has Taken Flight

Wagging her tail to the end, Ching-Ching left us (yesterday) on election day, November 4, 2008. She had been sick with diabetes for a couple months. In this picture, she hadn't been able to eat for several days, but still greeted us with a little wag of her tail no matter how badly she felt.

We have taken her body to a funeral home for cremation, and her ashes will be returned in a few days. We plan to scatter them back to the earth in the water, air and land.

We feel the loss of her presence in our home and miss the sweetness she offered to everyone. It's a void that only other pet-lovers know and respect.

Sheba still whines a little in worry as she sniffs the air for Ching's presence. (Sheba is blind, you know.)

Several of my classmates at Bohecker College have shared their stories of how tough it was to loose a beloved pet. Everyone at the apartment complex office expressed sympathy today when I paid the rent - minus the monthly fee for Ching-Ching. Several at the office shared their personal pet-loss story. We all agree that our "furry children" go to the "animal heaven" in the universe and are happy and free!

We know that our black kitty, Samantha, was waiting there to greet Ching-Ching with a catch-me-if-you-can offer.

Now that both of our beloved pets are free of pain and age, I'm sure they are chasing each other around the Milky Way!

I'd like to say a big thank-you to my A&P teacher who changed his lecture schedule on Tuesday so I could leave to attend to Ching-Ching. He has also lost a much loved dog also and was immediately sympathetic and accommodating.

Take Care on the Journey,

You too, Ching-Ching




  1. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Ching-Ching!

    What a sad loss that is for you. She was such a big part of your life that I know you'll be missing her for a long time to come.



  2. Ching Ching also has King Tut, Mollee, & Mitsy to hang out with.
    I know how much it hurts to lose your beloved pet. I was planting herbs in my backyard flower bed while Ching Ching was going to sleep so in honor of her I'll take extra of my garden. Love to you and Jim.
    Sandy,Craig, Ringo,Bo,Buster,Star

  3. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I'm sorry to hear about your dog and dear family member Linda. I know how tough that can be after loosing my 3 yr old cat a few years ago.

    Also, thanks for the motivations (and butt kicking, which I needed) to get blogging again. I will be posting today after my 8-5 seminar!


I enjoy all comments. You can write and sign as anonymous if it's easier. I get a copy of all comments in my email at, so I can reply anytime. Take Care on the Journey. YOU ARE SPECIAL! ~Linda