May 20, 2009

Vacation Time In Ohio

I took the last test this morning. We're officially between quarters now, and we get a week off!

I'm half-way done with the RN program!

I'm not over fretting whether I passed that test or not! It was that dreaded A&P with 100 questions. I had to go back and answer four of them. It's still fuzzy on how I think I did, but with the history of this class, I'm sure we're all in the same boat!

Anyway, the teacher is very considerate and gives us every break that he can. He said no RN student has ever failed his class.

Now I just wait for my grades in the mail sometime in the next two weeks!

On June 4, we are being taken by bus to about 100 miles south of Columbus (Portsmith?) for our OB (baby birthing) orientation. I think we have to go to that hospital six times, but information isn't clear about that yet. (Communication is better than last quarter, but still not the best.)

Today, I'm FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I already got the sheets changed, vacuum done, laundry all done, and Sheba got a half-bath. Now I can enjoy all my coupons and do some FREEEEEEEEEEEE shopping! (See my coupon blog for more.

The third quarter starts on June 1. I'm off until then!

That's all for now. I'm going outside and sit in the sun!

Take Care on the Journey, ~Linda


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