March 24, 2010

Savoring The Moment

While waiting for my results - which I expect now within a couple hours (unofficial through the Ohio Board of Nursing), I have been learning how other nurses have spent their time waiting for their results. (Try reading

Many are upset, nervous, agitated, and driving everybody crazy, while they rant and complain about the questions. Too many questions. Not enough questions. Knowing they failed and not able to cope with that.

For me, I'm savoring the moment knowing this window of time will never happen again and understanding that I have achieved this dream and goal in life. Well, maybe I've been a little more talkative, but I did sleep well last night.

Of course if my results want to pop up here in the Internet anytime now, that would be fine with me!!!

I'm thankful for my little sister, Sandy, who has faithfully checked the OBON website over and over again since I walked out of the testing center 24 hours ago to the minute. (It's 8:55 a.m. as I look at the computer clock.) She even checked it every two hours during the night.

Sandy knows that nothing happens with test results before 10-11 a.m. each day, but maybe they will push the results just for me. ha ha

So relax and enjoy the moment. Soon we will all be doing the happy dance together.

Take Care on the Journey,
Your friend in life,


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