March 29, 2010

Tap Tap Tap Quack Quack

It's hard to believe another week is approaching Tuesday! Where did Monday go? At least we can expect some gorgeous (I'm learning how to spell that word) weather here in Central Ohio in the next few days. I believe we're suppose to get up in the 70's this week! A chilly, windy, 40 degrees was not my kind of spring today.

Grandson Zach was with us Friday night and Saturday. He and I did some fun things. Well, not to leave grandpa out. They played a new numbers game with dice that was suppose to be equal in talent, but Zach seemed to win most of the time. Anyway, we hope to have him here more often now that I'm out of school. Needless to say, Zach says he had a great time and expects a phone call invite every week.

With Kroger having a triple coupon event (up to 50-cents) this weekend, I made off with some real steals! I thought saving $35 and paying 69-cents was fantastic, but my friend (who learned couponing from me) got 58-cents back IN CHANGE! I didn't even know that could happen!

Some pretty much FREE deals (between all the local stores) included Huggies Wipes, Band-Aids, Martha (something) Muffin Mix, Snickers, Milky Way, and Reese's candy bars (another package off to youngest son & wife), Sunggle fabric softner, Halls cough drops, Steamfresh frozen veges, cat litter (99-cents for a 25# bag of Tidy Cat), Scotch mailing envelopes, Schick Quattro Titanium razors, Tuna, Reddi Whip, Monopoly and Connect 4 games, and something really special at CVS that I stocked up to use as Christmas gifts!!!!

While I won't tell what it was, I noted that something really neat was on a very good sale at CVS. I also had a $5 coupon to go with the sale. (Don't look!). I decided this would be my main Christmas gift to my favorite five this year! (I also wanted one for myself, of course.) Each store only had two in stock, so I made a mad dash to every CVS store within a 10-mile radius of our home before everybody got out of church, and all the couponers grabbed them up.

Whew, I made it just in time!!!! They are safely tucked away in my closet, although hubby says he can't believe I'm saving them all the way to Christmas!

I explained to him that, 'women do that'.

John came over earlier this week to get some planting pots ready for me, and I was planning to start some Morning Glories this weekend. But, that is one thing I didn't get done. The pots are in the living room (to keep the soil warm - ha ha). The cat is eyeing them, but has kept paws out so far.

Oh for a camera handy when you want one but can't move a muscle for fear of messing up the moment!!!!

We have this pair of ducks who come to eat corn outside our patio door in the evenings. In fact, you can almost set your clock to 7:45 p.m. every day. Our patio door is covered with a mirrored-like, two-way plastic covering to keep the heat out (when we had the dogs), and to keep people walking by in the back yard from seeing inside before we close the drapes.

Every evening when the ducks come by to eat near the patio, the cat gets on alert and watches them from the other side of the door/window, tail just a twitching!

Tonight, the male duck caught a reflection of himself in the window and came right up to the sliding door and started tapping on the window (at himself). He tapped with his beek right where the cat had his nose against the window. It was ELECTRIC!!!!!!

We were sitting at the kitchen table and didn't want to scare the duck away, so didn't even reach for the iPhone. (Although they probably couldn't see us anyway.)

Mama duck finally got flustered at the self-centered actions of daddy duck and started quacking loudly as if to tell him she'd had enough of his foolishness. He finally followed her back to the pond, just a fussin at himself.

Of course hubby has another version of the story, he says the duck was tapping at the window to invite the cat out to play...

Take Care on the Journey,
Your friend in life,


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