April 9, 2010

My Tulip Garden Spring of 2010

As I crawled under the warm blankets and settled down for a good night's sleep a few nights ago, I suddenly sat up in bed and grabbed hubby's arm.

"Oh my! I forgot to take pictures of the tulips, and it's supposed to rain and turn cold tonight. This was the best day our tulips will ever look!" I exclaimed as I reached for my robe and slippers.

While hubby rubbed his eyes and eyed the clock, I dashed out into the night with my camera to capture a few photos of my tulips before the rain and cold dampened their spirits.

Not only do I enjoy the first flowers of Spring, but it's so much more rewarding to know that I planted each tulip bulb many months ago in the fall of 2009. (With the help of hubby and son, John). Each future colorful plant waited patiently in the dark soil for about six months to sprout and peek green tips from under the snow. Now they greet us along the path to our front door.

This is my tulip garden 2010.

Some picture are the ones I took late that night, but the daylight photos were taken the next morning, and my tulips were no worse for the weather!

The sprouts are the Morning Glory seedlings (April 12) that I hope will climb to the second story of our home.

Remember, you can click on each photo for a close-up view.

Take Care on the Journey,
Your friend in life,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have a LOT of tulips! They're very pretty and they make your house look homey and welcoming. :)


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