January 25, 2011

More Geocaching Near Denver, Colorado!

Oh, I've got the bug now - and it's not the one that keeps me sick in bed! I'm getting exercise, enjoying mutual activity with hubby, and sharing my fun with YOU! (Thanks oldest son, Billy, for the GPS Geocaching Christmas gift.)

For the first time in my entire 60+ years of life, I'm not bound to a Monday-Monday work schedule, and I can enjoy all the hobbies my heart desires. I don't have a (ex) hubby who is always worried about money and suggesting that I pick up extra shifts at work, and I don't have my precious little boys needing mommy at home.

It took almost a lifetime of working so hard as a LPN to make ends meet, ignoring my own needs and fun times. Now, that I'm a Registered Nurse, the pay is what I deserve, and the RN Baylor shift assures full time pay without working during the week at all.

And please believe me when I say what a blessing it is to have hubby Jim at my side cheering me one to do what makes me (us) happy, and walking beside me at every turn.
So with that all said, here are some photos of last night's jaunt geocaching. (Also posted on Facebook for those friends there.)
Imagine getting Jim outside at night in 15 degree snowy weather GEOCACHING with me. I found the cache, and he's putting it back where we found it after we signed the log. Starcatcher55 (me) and CatsEye55 (Jim)
This little geocache (closer to home) "Duckie" took us a week to find.
Who knew the cover of the light post would lift up?
Take Care on the Journey
Your friend in life

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