April 26, 2012

Wyoming Jade and A New Book

It snowed on the Front Range in Denver the other night, but the snow was gone by noon!  I stopped by the road on the way to work and stole this shot as the sun came up. 
(Linda Meikle photo)

Never one to sit still, and I've been neglecting  my favorite blog!  For any of my cyber friends who have stopped by to find me out and about, please know I've not forgotten anyone.

I'm taking some time this summer to not only work harder on my BSN in Nursing (online), but also planning to finish at least one book, and maybe two!  I've made all A's in my coursework, and only have about seven classes to complete my degree. Oh, I'm working seven days a week.

The most recent goal is to write a book called, "Code Welcome" is a guidebook for becoming a Director of Nursing (DON). Even if I'm the only one to use the guidebook. And even if I never get the job! The outline is complete!
Finding a DON position is a life goal, and my book will remind me of everything it takes to be the best!

"Code Welcome" is something I suggested at my current job when a new patient comes in.  If used, new patients would be greeted at the front door, welcomed by every staff person on the unit and provided with basic needs before they have a moment to feel alone and afraid - which most patients feel.  But, no one really puts Code Welcome into full effect except when I'm on duty, so it's a little discouraging.  At best, the front desk receptionist calls me and says, "You have a Code Welcome, Linda."

So, if by slight chance someone near Denver, Colorado has connections for a DON job, please email me at bestnurse@usa.com I won't let you down!
In the meantime, hubby and I took few days last week to follow a trail to Wyoming on a hunt for Wyoming gems stones. I believe we were successful in that we found a road not cut off by a fence, and were able to pick up something...

Here are a few photos of our 'rocks'.  

If you know a geologist or are familiar with geology, please feel free to let us know if we are rich and can sit around and write books for the rest of our life.  LOL

About that jade ... We can dream, can't we?

What do YOU think?

Hummm. Is it? Or isn't it?

Take Care on the Journey,

Linda's E-mail: bestnurse@usa.com

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I don't know if its worth $$$'s but I like #1 with the red running through it. It would be great if the little green one was a real Jade. Good luck with school & writing Code Welcome. You would make the bestest DON. Anyone in Denver or sounding area need a DON??? Call Linda and you won't be sorry. (as long as you treat her nice)


I enjoy all comments. You can write and sign as anonymous if it's easier. I get a copy of all comments in my email at bestnurse@usa.com, so I can reply anytime. Take Care on the Journey. YOU ARE SPECIAL! ~Linda