This is looking out the window that steps out onto our second-story balcony. Ching-Ching sleeps in the sun with her nose poking through the rails of our Balcony Garden. Jim's tomatoes that refuse to bloom are on the left. A pot of peas on the rail, and wind chimes to keep the good spirits around.
(Click the px twice for close-up).
The good news is that my kids got their books today. The bad news is that Philip and Shelley aren’t coming to Columbus tonight. It’s a car thing. First, they were driving here to pick up the 1998 Saturn because we have the van for Jim’s work. (We love our kids.) Secondly, we decided their car might not be reliable enough to make the 300-mile trip to pick up the Saturn!
Maybe it would make it, or maybe it would play this game of overheating it does once in a while, and that wouldn’t be too much fun on the 80-90 toll road! So, Philip will fly here over the weekend, and if Southwest Airlines is on time, we may see him for 15-minutes before we have to leave for work. If not, it’s Plan C – and I’m not sure what that is…
Another bit of good news is that the Berrien Springs newspaper ran a story of my book being published this week. I noticed a flurry of hits at this blogsite from the Berrien Springs’ area, and then a few emails from old friends there congratulating me. I haven’t seen the article yet, but some say it’s very nice.
A few book reviews have been sent to Amazon.com (Type in Dusty Angels and Old Diaries at Amazon) but they haven’t been posted yet because I have to set up the link. (Later tonight.) You can also order straight from the AuthorHouse by clicking on the link that I have posted above.
Or, since some of you have asked, order it from me and I'll autograph it for you. That would cost $12+$2 shipping USPS book rate. Email me at lindasbook@usa.com (Please tell me under comments if this link doesn't work. It doesn't from this computer and I've been toying with it for over an hour!)
Or, do nothing and just come back here to enjoy reading my blog :)
Some comments from those who have called me: (I you don’t want your quote, please let me know and I’ll remove it.)
Neil Hunt called to thank me for the book and said, “It came about four hours ago and I’ve almost finished reading it.” (I guess that means, "I couldn't put it down.")
My sister Sandra said, “It’s a tearjerker but every word is true!”
My friend Johnnie Jones left a voice message, “It’s perfect in our eyes.”
Billy (my son) commented, “There’s things about you I never knew, and sometimes I have to put the book down. It’s too hard to read.” (I told him to jump to the happy ending.)
Previously, I told Sandy I was never going to read my email again (after the book came out) because I didn’t want to read negative things about my book. It’s almost like when I WAS looking for my mother and not knowing if she wanted me to find her.
Jim is on the road as I write tonight, and this is when Philip and Shelley were supposed to be arriving. The new 18-inch air mattress is leaning against the wall and the room has that lingering odor of new plastic. The Saturn is washed, waxed, vacuumed and filled with gas. It’s kindof sad letting the car go. Jim believes the car saved my life a few years ago when a deer ran into it while I was in Michigan to shoot a wedding. It tore the car up, but I was not scratched.
Tell the gentle winds to blow Philip's plane here on time!
Take Care of the Journey,
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