I told hubby that I’d like to make five resolutions that don’t (do not) include the three “R’s”. “Really should loose weight. Really need to go back to church. Really ought to stop eating dark chocolate.”
My explanation for not writing about the three “R's” is as follows.
The best ‘church’ I know is at www.clayfootsteps.blogspot.com and www.maidenbringerofpeace.blogspot.com . If I’m going to eat better, live more healthfully, exercise, loose weight, take better care of myself, work less and pray more, I will do that without the somewhat artificial means of a New Year’s Resolution.
Having defined what I’m not going to resolve by resolution, I've have come up with a 'to do" list divided into categories, so there’s a chance that one of them may finish the race that ends on December 31, 2008.
1) R eally should do
2) A bsolutely must do
3) W ish I could do
My RAW list…
Really should do…
Ask for $20 “Cash Back” every time I use my debit card and hide the money.
Clip my dog’s toenails on a regular basis.
Clean out the garage and get rid of anything I haven’t used in 5 years. 10 years? 20 years?
Buy a drawer full of new delicates. Colorful and lacy with no hooks missing.
Get an annual physical and include all those darn tests.
Learn to play a new song on the piano.
Save money for Christmas.
Absolutely must do…
Get a better desk computer.
Pay bills on time.
Remember everybody on my birthday list.
Spend quality time in my quiet ‘angel closet’.
Save money for Christmas.
Wish I could…
Travel to Paris with hubby.
Write a best seller
Buy a house in Columbus, Portland, Tampa, and Columbia SC.
Have a ‘family reunion’ and everybody in my address book would attend!
Save money for Christmas.
Really should not do…
I really should not… get up during the night every time our blind dog gets ‘lost’ in the house.
I really should not… talk on the phone, eat, read and take notes while driving.
I really should not… write things on my blog that embarrass my kids.
I really should not forget...that hamsters are "little things" as is most everything in life!
I really should not forget... that I am loved and I am special!
Take Care on the Journey,
I don't believe in making new years resolutions!!!!!
As for church, I just go visit with mother nature. She always gives me peace within and all kinds of neat little critters to enjoy. I also talk to the fishies while trying to catch'em. At least their not preaching at me while being a bigger sinner then I.
For saving x-mas money I have $50 taken out every month.
With the pets I could do a better job taking care of them but they don't seem to be complaining much.
If I was to make a resolution I guess it would be "STOP letting people from useing me so much"!!! and I know that will never happen.
YOU are LOVED very much and special to me.
While I don't recall ever attempting to make any New Year's resolutions in my whole life despite all the urging of others, I have to say I can't remember a better disclosure of realistic thinking concerning this topic. This was very good (if not slightly embarrassing) and well balanced. Hope you get everything on your wish list.
Thanks for taking time to comment. My sister often advises me to take care of myself. I feel that writing and not being ashamed of my thoughts is very much like taking care of myself because one has to let go of the worry that we will offend someone. Perhaps out here in cyberspace we will actually help someone else with our honesty.
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