July 25, 2006


Something serendipitous happened tonight. Serendipity happens to be a very favorite word of mine. Used only for very special occasions!

Earlier this week, I discovered a website for women
http://www.womencorp.org and found out about a motivational teleconference set for at 8 p.m. tonight. I posted large signs around the house to remind me in case I was sleepy and forgot the date.

The email indicated that women could send in questions ahead of time, and they might take a few calls at the end of the teleconference. So, I emailed a little about my book and asked if they had input on how to promote the book.

Wouldn't you know, someone knocked on the door at 7:55 p.m.! Only John Meikle or a policeman could be at OUR DOOR! Of course, it was salesmen for a new restaurant in town. Well, I let Sheba bark them off and dashed back to the phone.

In my haste, I dialed the wrong number and had to open my email to get the right number and was gritting my teeth thinking I had missed the conference. But, I finally joined in about 10 minutes late!

At first I thought I'd already heard everything they were discussing. Actually, I thought that Katy and I could have a more spirited motivational discussion, but I listened and took notes anyway.

They discussed how to achieve your goals by being clear about what you want in life. Writing it down! Asking the universe for it. (Just put it out in the universe, I guess.) Then believing you will get it and allowing yourself to receive it.

By the way, I'm quite sure that works for men too!

Well, the serendipity.


The speaker said, "We received an email from a Linda Meeiiikkllleee (couldn't pronounce my last name) who has written a memoir and wants to know how to promote the book.

After she explained a little about the book, she said, "Dusty Angels and Old Diaries" sounds fascinating and interesting to read."

Her suggestions: Be clear on a target market. Who I want to promote it to. How many I want to sell. She suggested creating a tag-line such as "A book for women who need to forgive".

She said, "Once you are clear on what you want, it will be easy."

She added, "The truth is, not all women may want to read the book. But those who have had hardships, been abused, struggling and harming themselves as a result of not forgiving, can find their own journey by reading the book."

After I hung up, I screamed "YES" so loudly that Sheba came running.

The universe worked for me tonight!

Take Care on the Journey

1 comment:

Katy said...

That's wonderful! You must be so excited. Now, come up with a plan and Billy and I will help you market it in Oregon.
Katy (your spirited daughter-in-law)